Office Interior

Enhancing Patients' Experience

The Challenge

APC Pediatrics opened a brand new location with 10 state-of-the-art exam rooms. APC wanted to enhance the experience of patients and families while visiting their offices and reinforce their focus on a preventive practice.

The Plan

We needed original names and interesting graphics to entertain children while in the doctor's office. We also wanted to make each mural playful and hide details for patients to find them. This way children could also interact with the murals.

The Solution

Eleve and APC Pediatrics chose 10 different themes and original names for the rooms. Door signs were installed on every exam room with a customized space for seasonal messages. Murals were installed on a prominent wall in each exam room.
Patients and their families have enjoyed their first and subsequent encounters at the doctor's offices. This experience has started building a good brand impression of this physitian's practice in their lives.